Blog : a blog about disc and five behaviors

Catalyst: new Everything DiSC learning platform

Catalyst: new Everything DiSC learning platform

There are as many cultures as there are oganisations. Each organisation has it's unique culture, and so does yours. How effective and strong that culture is, depends: either it was intentionally developed, with purpose, or it developed as a result of various habits....

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Busting 6 Myths About DISC In 3 Minutes

Busting 6 Myths About DISC In 3 Minutes

DiSC is a great tool to learn more about yourself, how you perceive others, how they perceive you and how to improve the effectiveness of your relations. Unfortunately, there are some disc myths and disc misuses that make you less effective using DiSC if you get...

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DiSC History: From Marston to DiSC

DiSC History: From Marston to DiSC

1928 emotions of normal peopleThe DiSC Model of Behavior was first proposed in 1928 by William Moulton Marston, a physiological psychologist, in a book entitled Emotions of Normal People. Like many psychologists of his time, Marston made a deliberate decision to focus...

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